Mindfulness is a mind-body based approach that helps people change the way they think and feel about their experiences, especially stressful experiences. In this fast and ever changing world it is easy to become overwhelmed by the overload of information and competing external demands on our time. When we are overwhelmed and stressed it has an impact on our ability to focus and make wise choices. Mindfulness can help us take a pause in the midst of this busyness, enabling us to connect with ourselves.
Through mindfulness we develop self awareness by learning to become more aware of what’s happening in our mind and body in the ‘present moment’ by bringing our attention to our thoughts, feelings and body sensations as they happen in the moment and without judgement. Through this greater awareness of our experience we learn to identify the thoughts and feelings that exacerbate the stressful situation and in turn giving us greater freedom and choice about how we respond to challenging situations, rather than reacting from our usual habitual tendencies.
Mindfulness changes how we relate to our pain, challenges, difficulties, worries and fears, enabling us to find joy in the everyday and live life more fully.
Individuals and organisations access mindfulness courses for a range of reasons, some of these include;
- Improve overall well-being
- To increase emotional resilience
- To help manage anxiety
- To help manage stress more effectively
- To help with sleep problems
- To improve personal and professional relationships
- Improve job satisfaction and performance
Mindfulness has been proven to help with the following:
- Develop greater self awareness
- Use awareness to deal more effectively with stress
- Change negative patterns of thinking and behaviour and develop a more positive outlook to life
- Choose how you respond to situations rather than reacting out of habit
- Connect with an inner sense of calm/stability in pressurising situations
- Enhance focus, concentration and clarity in day to day activities
- Increase levels of resilience and emotional intelligence
- Improve self esteem
- Improve relationship with others
- Find enjoyment and fulfillment in life
Mindfulness is a scientifically validated approach and results of several clinical studies and research has found that people who complete MBSR and MBCT courses have reduced levels of anxiety, longer and better quality sleep, improvements in the immune system, a reduction in pain levels and an enhanced ability to cope with chronic pain, improved confidence and self-esteem, improved work performance and more satisfying relationships
(source: www.bemindful.co.uk)
“The course has helped me reflect on my anger and to be less judgemental. I’m beginning to feel more accepting about life. (Cheryl – Lecturer)”