Mindful Inspiration is located in the West Midlands and, serves Birmingham and other areas in the region. We will also work in other locations across the country. We offer a variety of learning options, to suit different individual and organisational needs. We work with a range of organisations and businesses including; community, voluntary, private and public sector organisations.
Parveen, the founder of Mindful Inspiration and Mindfulness Teacher, has been practising mindfulness meditation in her own life for almost 20 years, and it is the profound effects her personal practice has had on her life that has inspired her to undertake professional training in teaching mindfulness, and make it available for the benefit of others. She recognises the importance of a committed personal practice in her continuous development as a mindfulness teacher and attends a number of meditation retreats each year. Parveen has successfully completed a MSc in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses at Bangor University School of Psychology and, has been awarded a Certificate in Competence in Teaching Mindfulness-based Courses . The Masters programme is the most intensive and rigorous mindfulness teacher-training available in the UK.
Parveen has delivered numerous 8 week MBSR / MBCT courses and mindfulness workshops to a range of people including carers, mental health practitioners, psychologists and teachers. She has also worked with organisations, delivering customised courses for their employees, with the aim of reducing levels of stress and improving personal and professional effectiveness.
With 25 years experience of working in the social care field including, working as a Social Worker and over the past few years within a management role, Parveen has extensive experience of working with people from a range of contexts and circumstances. She has first hand experience of working within complex and challenging organisational environments, and has found her mindfulness practice to be a great source of inspiration within her work. Parveen is a qualified Social Worker and obtained the Diploma in Social Work in 1995.
Parveen also holds a Certificate in Counselling qualification and Certificate in Management.
Parveen is passionate and committed to her own personal mindfulness practice which she believes is the bedrock for her teaching. She works to the requirements of the Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness Courses published by UK Network of Mindfulness Based Teacher Trainers.
Parveen is registered as a teacher of mindfulness on the ‘Be Mindful’ website www.bemindful.co.uk supported by the Mental Health Foundation.